Thursday, April 24, 2008

Day 100: So, I saw Ben Folds last night

Special note: I forgot to post this last night, so yeah. Now I am.

Ben folds rocks, and so does Old Chicago. I learned both of these truths last night and now believe them to be not only self-evident, but also very undeniable. Like the fact that everyone raised in the Catholic Church has at least at one point said, "You know, this bread tastes terrible," followed by guilt at disliking the flavor of Jesus.

And now to get into this comparison between Sir Elton and Ben Folds – the piano men:
  • Elton: Legendary piano guy who rocks.
  • Folds: Not quite there yet, and may never be...
  • Elton: Played "Tiny Dancer," which no one can deny is awesome.
  • Folds: Played "The Luckiest," which is kind of Alisia and my song...
  • Elton: Can't hit the high notes in his songs.
  • Folds: More falsettos than an Elliott Smith CD...
  • Elton: Played some really cool piano solos.
  • Folds: Made those piano solos look boring. Seriously, this guy attacked the piano so hard I think it should file charges...
  • Elton: Something like 4,500 people in attendance including Ass-Grabbing Dancer; Alisia and I stand next to a trash can but get a good look at the man himself from about 100 feet away.
  • Folds: Only about 1,300 people attend the show and Alisia and I scam tickets in the sixth row in front of the piano...we can see every detail of how he attacks the piano and it's incredible.
So what's my verdict? You see Elton John because he's Elton John; you see Ben Folds because he's fantastic, and you like his tunes. Both are worth it.

What about Old Chicago? Well if you clicked the link (or maybe have been to one) you know it's a restaurant with 110 beers. It rules. Lots of beer. So which one did I dive into? Which frosty mug of awesome did I try? None. It was late and Alisia was the one doing all the driving (as covered in my post about Phoenix – I think – I can't drive stick). I didn't think drinking a few beers and passing out would be nice, so I didn't. And it hurt a bit...

But anyway, it was a good night and I enjoyed it very much.

As for today? Well, Alisia and I took the evening for ourselves to, moving on. I didn't accomplish a whole lot – which is becoming as much a catchphrase of mine as holla. Wait, I should add that I had to take my lip ring out today...I miss it a lot.

I'll see you kids tomorrow.


Chris said...

I'll take your Ben Folds and raise you a SLOUGH FEG. And your Elton John, for that matter. Did either Elton or Ben take their piano and hand it to an audience member to shred on? Doubt it. But Slough Feg's Mike Scalzi did so with his guitar, and it was awesome. Of course the audience member happened to be one of the guitarists for The Sword, but still -- it was cool. Few men have the cajones to hand their beautiful Gibson Gold Top into the audience, regardless of who is on the receiving end.

(all dueling rock shows aside, I'm glad you had a good time. I love few things as much as travel for a good show)

Duganz said...

Handing off a Gibson Gold Top? That's either the must bad ass move, or dumbest move I've ever heard of. Luckily it worked out.

But while neither Folds or John handed off the piano, Folds did play his cover of Dr. Dre's "Bitches Ain't Shit," which, and I'm not making this up, got a teenage girl standing near us to sway side to side while singing along.

All I could think was, "Really? You're singing along to this?"