Saturday, April 26, 2008

Special Update about my Netflix...

Okay, so as I've talked about, I love Netflix. It's great. But one thing I find annoying is its "suggestions" based on what I've rented before. And today's suggestion ranks as particularly bad because...well...just look...
In case you can't see the text, it says, "Because you enjoyed: F**k, The King of Kong...We think you'll enjoy: Dexter: Season 1."

Just an FYI: F**k and The King of Kong are both documentaries; one about the word "fuck," and the other about one man's quest to get the high score in Donkey Kong (I wrote about it here). Neither seem to be anything like Dexter, a show from cable channel Showtime that follows the exploits of serial killer Dexter Morgan – a very moral mass murderer. How Dexter lines up with either documentaries is beyond me. Honestly, I'm confused as shit.

So anyway, I got to get to work on some other stuff, but I thought this would entertain ya. Laters.

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