Thursday, April 10, 2008

Day 87: I hate the media

Allow me to clarify my title. See, I've been following the story of eight Florida teens who, for reasons not exactly logical or clear, beat the crap out of a fellow teenager. (If you haven't I suggest Googling "8 Florida teens." Outside of pornography, you get the news. So, that's good.) The only reason these kid got any attention for their crimes is mass media focusing on stories for pure sensationalism. It bothers me. Especially because

...Well, it turns out that the state great state of Florida now wants to try these teens – age 14-18 – as adults. I'll admit, from the description of the video (YouTube's removed it for "violations") these teens are brutal idiots. It's true. But they're teens. Teens are stupid; believe me, I was one for several years. Teens make absolutely no sense whatsoever. They cry, they get mad, they say the phrase "Oh, my, god" as if it meant something more, like, "I am surprised." And apparently teens will kick your ass for talking smack about them on this thing called the Internet.

But come on. They're kids. Kids. Saying that these kids deserve to never be free again is just insanity, and it depresses me.

I'm talking about all of these things, of course, because I have nothing else to discuss. I could talk about dinner, and Kettlehouse, but I do that all the time. I guess that's all for the night. Remember, the lesson is that you shouldn't throw kids in jail forever. They're stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Kids suck.

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