Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Day 78: Better, and then some

Late last night before drifting off into a NyQuil induced slumber I had a revelation, "It's tough getting back into the blogging groove. Terribly tough actually. I just can't bring myself to write much since not much is actually happening.

But then I just sort of passed out.

I think this is actually the biggest problem with my project: when you break down your existence day-by-day you're bound ot realize that not much interesting ever happens to you. You're stuck just rehashing the same stories over and over again. Whatever, though, I think I'll just get too personal for a bit...

Ever since I started dating Alisia a little over a month back I've been confronted over and over again by past relationships and how they can impact you later. For instance, my über post the other day covered the fact that I, in hindsight, went through some pretty terrible relationships with the fairer sex. With Alisia these things tend to bubble up since she tends toward the more probing questions of what makes me tick. Ever feel like you're fully exposed in front of someone? That's how I feel around her – as if any lie or attempt to lie would be caught and proved false in front of me. This is both sexy, and disarming.

As open as I am I tend toward the closed-off whenever possible because, well, letting people in usually means my "humorous chubby guy" persona get peeled away and suddenly I am screwed. They know me. They know that the jokes can sometimes be more nervousness than confidence, and they...well it sucks when someone knows that about you.

That occupied my mind today when I sat in bed debating whether or not I felt better. Eventually I concluded that I did and I took a shower, and then I just sort of stared at a blank Word doc. until I thought of something to put there...and amazingly it happened. I actually put something on paper...

All right. I'm done posting for today. I'll see you kids tomorrow.

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