I have an amusing anecdote about Wolfy. As a kid I used to like fiddling with the electronics my parents owned, and by far the VCR provided the most entertainment. At the age of four I figured out how to record TV, but not which channel, so unfortunately my parents copy of Dances with Wolves – that they recorded from they’re stolen HBO – was destroyed by three hours of Wolf Blitzer.
They were not amused, and in retrospect neither am I. The last thing I need floating around in my childhood home is a copy of a 1989 version of Blitzer talking about Bush Sr. To me that seems worse than homemade pornography…but just slightly.
Lately I’ve been reading the blog posts Blitzer provides for CNN’s Political Tracker blog (Click his name above). I may be relatively new to this art, and I may not be very good at all, but I am leaps ahead of a guy who puts the headline “Blitzer: Stunned by readers' response” on an article beginning, “I must say I was stunned…”
Thanks Wolf, didn’t quite get that from the headline. He then goes on to diligently kiss the ass of each viewer saying:
"I have always had high confidence in our CNN viewers. I know you are smart because you wouldn’t be watching The Situation Room and all of our other CNN political coverage if you weren’t. There are simply too many other options available to all of you — ranging from sitcoms, to sports, to silly talk shows. Our viewers are intelligent and that certainly came through with your comments."Someone put a muzzle on this guy, or at the very least handcuff him so he cannot type this kind of garbage.
Two days later (Jan. 16) he dropped this in a post titled “Blitzer: How quickly things change”:
“It’s amazing how quickly things can change. It wasn’t that long ago when the war in Iraq and terrorism were the number one issues on the minds of Americans. Now, according to the latest polls, it’s back to the economy.”What keen insight! People, many of whom have foreclosures looming, worry about the economy. Now I know why you’re part of “The Best Politcal Team on television.”
Another great Blitzer moment is the post titled “Blitzer: Get Ready for a Wild Ride,” which begins…oh if you’re not already onto this one… “Get ready for a wild ride…”
The worst part about his utter lack of creativity is that he has the audacity for posts with this kind of crap:
“This is one of those days when an anchor (me) really appreciates his staff (mine).”
“We like to say that CNN has the best political team on television. And that is true. But I have to add that I have the best staff on television. They are hard-working, smart and determined to get the story right. And I am totally grateful.”
He goes on to say this:
“While it’s important for a journalist to get the story first, it is much more important to get it right.”
Anyone remember where you were in 2000 when Wolf and other TV puppets called Florida for Gore? I know, I know, Gore probably won, but that night it was too close to call when CNN called it for him, only to recant after Fox called shenanigans. Get it right my ass.
I think Jack Shafer from Slate.com said it best in his Jan. 10 article "The Best Political Team on Television"?: On election night, CNN runs its preposterous slogan into the ground."
“Now, it's one thing for a station in a bush-league television market to proclaim itself the ‘region's news leader. Little harm is done because so few are insulted. But when a major network flings such a load of humbug on a day of peak viewership, the damage is palpable.”
Exactly, but more than that it’s annoying – much like when Fox personalities repeat tired phrases that are often lies (I’m looking at you, Sean Hannity).
I know I'm being tough on him, but his claims are boisterous and all to frequent, and his insight s lack any type of...um...insight. (Damn! I could have done better with that one.) Yeah, he's broadcast so he only gets to speak in slogans and sound bites couch surfers can comprehend, but that shouldn't let him off the hook completely.
So that’s my thoughts for Tuesday. We finished up another issue of the Indy today and I hope you’ll check out on Thursday…or any day of the week really…
C'mon, man, his name is Wolf for crissakes! That's got to be worth something, isn't it?
And for the record, that little word verification thing required for commenting isn't rendered any easier by drunken posting.
Chris - don't know know how dangerous drunken blogging and emailing is?!
Back away from the keys!
It's nearly as bad as drunk texting...but that's a future post...
It may be dangerous, but every flirtation I've ever had with pure, unadulterated genius has been when I've had a few suds in me. At least, I am convinced of that.
Oh ho you are the master of drunk texting Pat. Not that I rue the nights I've received them at 3 in the morning, though I can never get those precious minutes of sleep back.
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