I’ve blogged before, but never with a purpose like this. In essence I’m chronicling my life, which rarely seems to entertain anyone, so I think for this first actual post I’ll just quote what one Daniel Shevlin wrote in the comment section of my latest feature for the Missoula Independent, but with my thoughts added as well:
I wonder what one person at the Independent has done to serve their country? I wager: Not one damn thing. (I’ll see your “not one damn thing” and raise you a “nothing particular.”) These young, brave people represent everything you, as liberals, take for granted. And, you got to love the inaccuracy (typical of liberals) in regards to this statement: "EVERY NIGHT we hear of more dead soldiers....." (Two periods too many) We do? Actually, troop deaths have been at an all-time low since the war began. (Since the war began, eh? How many thousands were killed before the war?) I guess 'evil' Gen. Petreus was right, eh libs? (Yes he was. However, Gen. Petraeus was not.) "An increasingly discouraging war.." (Yet more superfluous punctuation.) Huh? Actually, most people (outside of the 'left-wing propoganda [Only one “o” in propaganda.] zone' here in Missoula) have been encouraged by the progress made for democracy in Iraq. I wonder when, WHEN, (I doubt these caps were necessary) liberals, like the hypocritical egg-heads (No hyphen needed.) at the Independent, will just once demand that the Islamic extremists (you know, the people who want to kill you for not being Muslim), come to the table and discuss peace with the rest of the civilized world? Will that ever happen? (Oh no…I’m having an out of body experience…I can see Bill Clinton…and Arafat…they’re talking about…peace…and it’s the 90’s.) Hmm...Jews and Christians have managed to carve out a peaceful world with themselves, haven't we? (White Christian Nationalists for Israel, right?) Can you imagine the world of peace we would have if the Muslims would recounce death and murder and embrace peace? (If only “recouncing” was possible.) How about demanding that Muslims give women equal rights? I thought 'equality' was a virtue prized by liberals?
The last two rhetorical questions bothered me, not because I’m left without an argument (liberals do in fact demand equality, but without bombs), but because my feature was about two U.S. Army recruits discussing why during a very unpopular war they are joining the military. Politics had nothing to do with it. At all. But this guy didn’t care; he just wanted a stage to complain about “liberals,” and he used my article as a jumping off point. Not only does that stink of below average reading comprehension, but also it just seems petty.
Not that this guy hasn’t bottomed out before (He wrote a letter to us saying hate crimes could be someone leaving pickle off of a gay man's burger), but I digress.
Actually returning fire against this guy has made me feel a little better about turning 23 today. A little preview about tomorrow’s post: I’ll detail how I plan on losing 20 pounds in the next few months.
I find it extremely hard to believe that you are paid to write. "returning fire against this guy...". wow, well if what you wrote here is what you call "returning fire", then debating you is just to simple. Hey Dugenz, do me a favor: Explain Bill Clinton's reason for bombing Iraq every single week of his presidency for 8 years. Results of clinton's bombings: 25,000 dead. Words by duganz about this death? nothing. Innocent people killed in the Balkans by bill Clinton: UN estimates between 50,000 and 100,000. What threat did these people pose to america? If you really want to debate me, automaton, then at least make your arguments coherent and substantive. PS: the atrocities committed by Clinton in the Balkans is still known the 'slaughter of the innocents'. But then again, you're only 23 years old. Write back to me when your other testicle drops, and you know a little something of the world you live in, besides the liberal propaganda you live by.
PPS: Still waiting to find out what you've done to serve your country, duganz? Have you done anything to deserve the lifestyle the us military has sacrificed for you to have? And what say you about the muslims who this week strapped bombs onto the bodies of mentally retarded women to kill other muslims? Now, they didn't kill the 'oppressive' Us Military with the blast, they only kill each other. What does duganz say about the way muslims treat women and the mentally handicapped?
Hey duganz: was wondering where in the world christians and jews are waging war with each other?? Come on, duganz, be an unusual liberal automaton: answer the questions put forth to you.
1). Muslims strap bombs onto the bodies of 2 mentally retarded women in iraq this week...killing about 60 fellow IRAQI citizens(not one white imperialistic american). What is duganz offical stance on this? IF they were truly people fighting for their people and land, then why not kill only american invaders, duganz? is it because the muslims are savage animals who treat women as animals? I guess duganz's liberalism supports this by ignoring it.
2): If you actually believe that Arafat was ever interested in anything resembling peace...well, then duganz, you need some help, bro. If he was, then why didn't arafat, in the 90's, stop the killing? He was in charge of these savage animals for how many years...why no peace? (oh wait, must be bush's fault)
3). Why hasn't one missoula liberal, like yourself duganz, said ONE WORD against the tyrannical, brutal way women are forced to live in islamic countries? eh, duganz? Guess by your silence muslim women aren't worthy of help from liberal organizations like N.O.W., right? Or are you going to act like a liberal and a. ignore it, or b. deny it?
4). is the missoula independent(independent..HAHAHA..independent of WHAT, exactly? you write what george soros tells you to write.) ever going to do a story about Norman Hsu and his millions of ILLEGAL campaign dollars that went ADMITTEDly to Hillary Clinton? No? I see, only burns/abramhoff is worthy of that, eh?
5). I can go on and on with this...it's great...i ask liberals on campus daily these very questions, and not one of those sheep can answer them either. like you, they stoop to personal insult and remarks about grammar and syntax. So how about it, duganz; liberal automaton sheep? Care to answer any of these questions with facts and common sense, or will that take too much time from counting your food stamps this month?
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