Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Day 16: Stanley Kowalski is probably gay too

I caught the Montana Rep’s version of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof tonight, which I thought was really good, and highly recommend.

My friend Alex and I (remember him from a few posts back?) caught it together as a bit of a man-date and between acts had a talk about how each Tennessee Williams play touches on the topic of closeted gay men...which sort of makes sense given the context of the man-date

“Yeah, I wonder why,” Alex quipped.

But then I dropped a bomb. Since high school I’ve been working out this theory that Stanley Kowalski is gay. Sure Blanche’s husband was gay so that would fit the motif of a Williams play, but I also think Stanley stood in the closet as well.

My argument: Stanley had to lash out at Blanche not because he found her annoying and intrusive, but because, after finding out about her closeted gay husband (CGH), he felt his secret, living as a gay man, could be known. Further, what does he do with the knowledge of the CGH? He goes and tells his friend Mitch so Mitch will end it with Blanche. See, he wanted Mitch all to himself, and he knew pushing the two away would create a rift wherein he could make his move on his long time pal. And the ending? The whole “STELLA!” thing? More rage based on how he feels inside, a person uncomfortable in his own skin. He needs Stella because she stands as the one thing that can keep him on the status quo. It’s sad really. Way sadder than Blanche’s craziness.

Okay. I’m not completely serious, but I think there is an argument that Stanley was gay – if only I just make it up in my head to entertain a friend during an intermission.

Still, it opens up that whole debate about Brando again…

Anyway, I'd like to touch back on the whole man-date thing. I've noticed whenever two guys hangout in a scenario most commonly enjoyed by a couple – play, movie, dinner – somehow the conversation always ends up about stupid, completely inane crap. But I think guys need to do it. It gives us time to talk about stupid inane crap that only guys talk about.

Little update on the "Big news": It's coming on Friday...and no, I'm not pregnant.


N M Dubs said...

Will your "Big News" actually come on Friday, or will you forget and put us in suspense until Sunday as per usual?

Chris said...

Ha! 16 days in and Nicolai has this blog totally figured out!

Duganz said...

No. I made a promise with that. I'm actually writing ahead so it will happen. Again, I promise.

Chris, why ya gotta be hatin'?

Chris said...

No hate here, man. I just have high appreciation for a good zinger now and then, and nicolai delivered the goods.

For the record, I refuse to ever say, "Oo, snap!" though.

N M Dubs said...

I am here to entertain Chris. Especially at Pat's expense. It's what I do.

Duganz said...

Does that mean I officially have my first spammer? Or do I just have a Chris La Tray stalker?

N M Dubs said...

Neither. I'm not spamming you, and I've never been introduced to Chris. I just felt it appropriate to make fun of you at the moment. You often make it too easy for me.

Chris said...

For the record, I'd like the world to know I am available for stalking. As in stalk-ee; I was the stalk-er enough when I was in high school.

N M Dubs said...

Well if you insist, I could pick it up as my newest hobby. It's either that or I go back to ruthlessly mocking Pat.

Chris said...

Pat's a real writer, though. You are probably needed to keep his ego in check.

N M Dubs said...

Oh, if anything I usually artificially inflate Pat's ego. Though he adamantly refuses all of my attempts at doing so. For the moment, however, I am amused at being cruel. ^__^