Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Day 29: Random post on a taboo topic

Some of you may have caught my piece this past week about Dr. Lindsey Doe, Montana’s only trained sexologist. I must admit I had a little too much fun both interviewing her, and writing about it. For instance I got more use out of this old joke of mine:
I can understand how religion messes with peoples’ sex lives, but I’ve used it to my advantage. Most guys think of something like baseball or Presidential trivia during sex, but I just remember the encouraging words of Father Murray from my Catholic childhood: “Sex is evil. Sex is evil. Sex is evil.” It really extends the night.

Any time I get to drop that joke I feel pretty good, the problem is that so many people have hang-ups about sex that the joke can’t always be told.

I myself try not to be too hung up on the issue; though I must admit that being raised Catholic provides plenty of chances to feel odd about the ubiquitous “it.”

This week I’ve been more aware of people’s little foibles with sex. What can I say, it could be the month, or the fact that I’m living single – I don’t know. But being aware of the new foibles doesn’t make me all that happy. For instance, I caught this item today about how the Seattle Times wouldn’t run an ad for The Vagina Monologues because of an image that showed a Rorschach-esque vagina (gasp!).

More shocking than that however, my aunt told me a story about her boyfriend, who I’ll call Ronny in reference to his Presidential hero. So Ronny and his redneck/moron friends have been all about the Heath Ledger news, she told me. Because they feel terrible about the fact that a young father died? No. Not even a bit. They think he killed himself because of that “gay cowboy movie.” Again, people freaked out about something sexual so they respond like idiots. (Worse, they were wrong.)

Annoyed I turned toward a project a former classmate Brian McDermott made: Montanalove.net. This site he did for his MA project, and it always makes me feel good, particularly this story about a gay cowboy. You can also catch more about Dr. Doe, as well.

A little more about The Vagina Monologues

I’ve seen the play before as part of a V-Day with a past girlfriend. We saw it in Butte of all places. At the event – I guess it was in 2003 – they gave out stickers to so many people as a representation of how many women in Butte were victims of domestic violence. Halfway through the night they asked everyone with a sticker to stand…I was the only guy, which made me feel like I was the guy responsible for it. Totally bad feeling, but I completely recommend viewing it.

Another thing I want to ask is already being discussed at 4&20, which is: How the hell do University of Montana dancers have anything in common with Hooters Girls? I'll give you a minute...nothing. Not a damn thing. The context is completely different. One is meant as eye-candy to entice wing buying, the other fills the time between the second and third quarter. And that difference in context makes one demeaning, and the other art. But that's just my opinion...

So, I’m going to end this post now. Take care kids. I’ll see you tomorrow.


Rebecca said...

I think "art" might be a stretch when it comes to describing the Griz dancers. (Is that their name? I have no idea.) At least you can get chicken wings from a Hooters Girl; when the UM dancers are doing their thing you have to leave your seat to find beer and sustenance.

Chris said...

Dancing is one of the arts, no question. I think comparing the two is a real stretch.

Rebecca said...

You could also say good service--being a good waitress--is an art form, too. Next to bad food and bad company, bad service can ruin a meal.

Chris said...

Okay, I will concede that the Hooters girl uniform isn't a whole lot different from a dance team uniform. However, if you are getting good service (mind, don't wander!) from a Hooters girl, it's either because she has a manager on her ass to do things a certain way or she knows she will get a better tip if she does a good job. She might even go to the gym every day to stay in shape, but I doubt it is because of her Hooters gig. Odds are she probably hates her fucking job, hates having to be nice to fat guys with crew cuts and goatees leering at her, and hates the crap she gets from her manager.

These dance teams are different. I would hazard a guess that many of these women (and men) don't see themselves as the "glorified cheerleaders" that many people do. Some of them probably want to be professional dancers, and this is one step on the path to that. They stay in shape because they have to in order to practice their craft. They are probably doing hours and hours of drilling and rehearsing to get their routines down. I think saying a Hooters girl is "just like one of them" is an insult.

To me, it is like when someone points to some karaoke idiot like what they are doing is anything like what those of us playing in rock bands are doing. On the surface to the drunk breathing into my face, yeah maybe it seems the same -- they have a microphone in front of their mouth, and they are singing to music. But that is where the similarities end, trust me.

Becca said...

Saw your blog addy on facebook - just wanted to say thanks for linking to Montana Love.

Brian was my neighbor/itunes buddy for a long while and I kept meaning to check that out, I finally did today. Thanks!

Duganz said...

Maybe art is a stretch, but I side with CHris that many of these dancers are trying to start a career in the field... but then again, Rebecca, you have a point that fine service is an art.

Still, Edgar goes too far in comparing the two.

And Becca I'm glad you checked out Montanalove.net. It's a damn fine place.

Bill Oram said...

they play halves in college basketball.