Monday, February 18, 2008

Day 35: What my plans are...

So jhwygirl left a comment on my post about Mortimina, the work of Spart, asking the simple question, "What's next?" I think she was referring to what I'll do after post Indy, and not what I'll next carve out of Spam, but maybe I'm wrong.

Anyway, right now I have ideas, but nothing pegged down for what my career will become. I think I have a few prospects, but who knows? I'll know more in the coming weeks, but rest assured that I've hedged myself for a few months of life via some minor savings, and a pending tax return that should get me through April. So I'm doing all right actually. Worst comes to worst I start living in Caras Park, or moving to Phoenix to be a "manny" for my brother.

Though I do have one problem going on right now. Last week I learned that a rumor is afoot that I got canned at the Indy, of course those reading the blog know that's not true, but hearing it asked of me semi-seriously got me sort of freaked out. What would I have been fired for? Writing some decent articles? Talking smack about Plum Creek Timber? I'm leaving on pretty damn fine terms with the Indy actually, and penning a feature this week, which – get this – tends to be a big part of the paper.

Speaking of which, I have to write some of that right now, so I should go do that instead of blogging about my rather boring day. Something tells me Wednesday will bring a decent post (last day of work).

1 comment:

jhwygirl said...

I was actually thinking of both - life and spam. But not need to'll get them both right, I'm sure of it

I think, if you have the time, you should do a spam series. I think I said it before, but the pig is oddly fascinating spartwork.

I'll even donate a few cans of spam. Don't be surprised if they show up on the porch, under the cover of darkness.