Sunday, February 17, 2008

Day 34: Lazy Sunday

I didn't do much at all today. Did some re-working of my feature for this Thursday's Indy, but sitting at a desk typing rarely amounts to work. My friend John, however, did do something today. Well, actually Friday night.

He went out camping with his brother this weekend and they went to some bars...I forget where they went John comes in tonight and he looks like Rocky Balboa mixed with a dash of Ted Kennedy. In a word: fugly. Apparently the guy just wanted to fight, so he picked John (a guy roughly 5' 6") and beat his ass. But John's in good spirits, so I'll move on.

I don't know if anyone else caught this moment on Media Matters (or FoxNews Radio): Tom Sullivan, a radio pundit, did a side-by-side comparison of Obama orating, with Hitler orating. Just listen to it here.

Sick. Sick sick sick. You think they can't go any lower, and then they just dive.

I posted earlier today about my Spam pig Mortimina, and I hope everyone checks it out. I can't draw. I can't sing. But I seem to be able to carve Spam...[cries]

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