Thursday, February 21, 2008

Day 38: Buses and Misc.

Top reasons I love the bus:

1. Hate driving
2. Save on gas money
3. I walk more

But that's not what I'm really blogging about tonight, I just wanted to talk about how much I like the bus, just briefly.

First day without a job went off without much fanfare. The weirdest part had to do with sitting around without anyone to hang out with. When everyone else has work or school things get boring. So I went to campus today and collected my design clips from my days at the Kaimin and looked for a few jobs. Sort of boring day.

Oh, and I made my weekend plans, though as I said earlier, these "weekend" things don't matter since I lack employment. But the reason I bring it up is that I won't be blogging on Friday because I'm roadying for John's father's band up in Helena. This isn't a paying gig, but we do get to hang out and listen to some pretty good blues music (for white guys). Then Saturday I think I'm staying in to watch a movie.

A note about Friday: when I planned on the roady gig I didn't know that Good Neighbor Policy was playing at the Badlander. So, that sucks that I'm missing it, but if you read this you should go, and cheer twice as hard for me.

I'm sorry this post is all rambling. I stayed up way to late last night and I'm not really thinking very coherently.

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