Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Day 51: Still unemployed, but I feel better

Though I spent all day bored and refused to leave my house, I feel like I accomplished something, if only because I wrote up a storm of copy, reworking the entire scene I blogged about the other day so that it could work as more than a scene. I have no idea where the story will go, but accomplishing some actual creative work made me feel better.

I celebrated with a shower beer. Then I ran out of things to do.

After some bad jokes over a beer at Kettlehouse with Kyle and Zane I'm now getting ready to watch more Monk with Alisia (though truthfully I'm looking for a way to convince her to watch the Chipmunk Adventure). While at the Kettlehouse I noticed Al Pils changed his facial hair to a stand-alone mustache...yes, I frequent the joint enough to notice these things.

I'm still debating the piercing that many people left comments against, but given the universal hatred I don't know if I'll follow through with it. Or maybe I will just for spite.

I'll see what I can do tomorrow to make this more entertaining. Until then...Holla.

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