Thursday, March 13, 2008

Day 59: Chauffeuring and writing

Okay…so this post’s been sitting around the last few days because it kind of freaked me out. In reality, it’s just Day 57’s original post. I just winged the other Day 57 post since this one got me freaked…

Without further ado:
So, last night I had a dream – a sexy dream. This girl I used to hang out with came into my room and told me bluntly that she wanted to do things to me that my Catholic upbringing will not allow me to repeat, even though I’m pretty damn agnostic nowadays.

I protest a bit saying, of all things, “I’m tired.” Undeterred she used some type of magic, and/or witchcraft, and removed my pants forcefully. At this point her clothes disappeared and she ran at me like a rhino. This was not cool, at all, and something clicked in my brain that made me say, “No…get off of me…I’m seeing someone.”

Like that the girl disappeared, and I was left alone and without pants.

Do you see what happened? I was faithful in a dream. A dream! This is the one place where anything goes, where I fly and play guitar with John Lennon, and where I punch various politicians in the groin. But with this dream I acted with restraint and care. I didn’t cheat on a girl in my sleep.

I woke up afterward to find Alisia moving awkwardly in her sleep, her fever spiking higher again. I rubbed her back and watched as light from outside of her apartment moved over us every few seconds. I thought to myself, “You better like me, cause I just avoided amazing dream sex for you.”

And the worst part of all of this? I don’t even remember dream girl’s name…I’m a lowlife even in my sleep.
I also forgot something about yesterday. I bought a Tommy the Leprechaun shirt at K-House for $15. I’m sure nearly everyone reading already has one, but they’re good shirts and the money goes to help the Poverello Center, so it’s worthwhile to buy more than one (I’m unemployed though, so my purchase of one is forgivable). Plus, while you’re at the K-House you can drink a beer, and that’s always a good time.

Alisia went back to the salt mines today even though she's still not too healthy. With the feds figured out, and waiting for other job offers, I got around to writing some fiction today, so I'm happy since I'm actually creating ideas again.

Nothing else to report on the day other than Gone Baby Gone is pretty good. Lots of twists, though unfortunately I figured out the ending about 20 minutes early. Still, I recommend it.


Danny said...

Duganz, you are a good man. i would expect nothing less that a lack of infidelity in your dreams. the only thing is if a chick is charging at you like a rhino, she might actually be a rhino so you probably shouldnt be doing non-catholic things to her anyways. KAW!

Duganz said...

I'm actually creeped out by rhinos, unless they have 50 beers on tap. Then I like rhinos.